Divisional Charts

A divisional chart is an additional chart that is used to verify the indications of the birth chart (Rashi Chart). There are about 60 divisional charts that are used, but up to 16 charts can be considered for accurate reading. Each divisional chart relates to certain areas of life. For example, Drekhana relates to the 3rd house (siblings), Dashamsha relates to the 10th house (career). The divisional charts are examined to delineate in details the particular areas of life. Most of all, the divisional charts are important in verifying the strength of the planets.
The main divisional chart is Navamsha (it is called the 9th divisional, because each sign is divided into 9 equal parts to determine the position of the planets in Navamsha). Navamsha is used in all readings.
A divisional chart cannot override the indications of a birth chart, but it is used mostly to fine-tune these indications.

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