Ascendant and Midheaven

Ascendant is the point of the Zodiac rising on the eastern horizon in the moment of your birth.

The Ascendant is the most specific and important factor in the chart, even more important than the Sun and the Moon. The Ascendant is the fastest moving point in the sky; it changes every 2 hours. The Ascendant reflects your physical body, character, your sense of self, and how you appear to others. As it marks the cusp of the 1st house, the Ascendant colors all your life: health, goals and interests, relationships, career, and so on. If the positions of the planets are relatively fixed during a day, the Ascendant that changes every 2 hours, determines why the individuals that are born at the same day have so different characters, interests, and destines. The Ascendant determines in which houses the planets fall and what houses the planets rule. Depending on the Ascendant, the same combination that creates power and success for one person will create misery and suffering for another person.
If there is a planet on your Ascendant, it will profoundly effect your look, character, and health.

The Midheaven is the point in the sky where the ecliptic intersects the meridian. It is the highest point in the sky that the planets can reach in the particular place at the time of birth. It marks the 10th house in the chart.
If you have planets in the 10th house (on Midheaven), your career, most likely, will thrive.

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